Tag Archives: Geoge Swan

George Swan’s Rock Is An Interesting Modern Throwback To The Sounds Of The 70’s

Canadian Rocker George Swan has been a busy guy, as he now has a sum total of 3 albums full of new music on Soundcloud. And, with a DIY spin on things, George Swan is sure to be making ears twitch up.

George’s incredibly unique and interesting approach to music can be seen as highly comical, with song titles such as ‘Happy Times (the couch song)’ and ‘The Rash’.

With all this material out there for any hard rocker in his late 50’s, you’d be a fool to not check him out:

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-571409490

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7brDLTnkrW9zCLZhVOQ9Je

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTA5ewTTm_tCTLfTjBzFHDw

Bandcamp: https://bigdikblak.bandcamp.com/music

Website: www.bigdikblak.com