Category Archives: Acoustic

Wartoad’s World Domination Starts With A Bang As They Release Brand New Album



Wartoad have been on a warpath of punk rock proportions. And now with the release of a new album and cover, they are sure to be tracking their success with attitude and Anger!

Having smashed themselves to a place of prominence back at Christmas time with the release of their cover of ‘Merry Xmas Everyone’, Wartoad have managed to keep the hype up, and are now owning the summer with the release of a full length studio album!

This Angsty, Un-apologetic Album has managed to create a lot of buzz, and with much more fuel still left in the band just yet.









After Supporting Ed Sheeran And The Hoosiers, Paddy James Is Taking The Spotlight


Paddy James has been making the rounds as his solo career is starting to take shape, with a impressive past behind him, he can now safely say, its his time to shine.

I’m sure that when Paddy James decided to leave his safe, good paying job to carry out a mini tour of Australia, there was worry, however, its looking like a bright future for the singer songwriter, as he releases new track “Perfectly flawed”.

This blues-folk inspred track is a breath of fresh air in today music, and a definite artist to look out for, for sure!

Be sure to check him out:









Nave Blues Are Back, And Now With A Full Length Album


Your Favorite Blues Fusion band are ready for round two, and now they have heavy artillery.

The culmination of work they they have created over the years has been brought together and with a new lease of life, the band are ready to take it to the mainstream. The track include instant classics such as the haunting ‘Ghost Collector’, ‘Thank You’, as well as all-time blues classic ‘Sitting On Top Of The World’.

As Nave Pundik and the rest of the boys prepare to give you some rockin’ blues, be sure to check them out and sit tight, because there could be more to come:









Nele, The Worlds Greatest Popstar Is Doing Her Research On One Of The Greatest Mysteries…Love


A journey filled with love, loss, more love……more loss? Okay, it may seem like there’s a sad story to tell here, but i assure every sad story can turn into a happy ending…

Nele ( pronounced “Nail-A“) is making the rounds with the upcoming release of her brand new album. She is an eccentric, eclectic act that incorporates dark humor, story telling and beautiful songwriting.

She conveys the persona of a researcher who is here from another planet to discover about life, however her main goal is to understand love. What is Love? How do you fall in love? Why do you fall in love? All questions Nele is setting out to find answers for. 

Her new album ‘Love Yeah’, is a dark yet comedic pop treat with soft melodies and pleasantly soothing instrumentation, with great tunes such as ‘We’ll see’ and ‘CV’, shes sure to find the meaning of love as she will be receiving plenty of it when this album comes out.

So to help her with her quest, be sure to check her brand new album out, set to release the month of March 2018. 





Twitter: @NNAHoliday

Instagram: neleneedsaholiday



Adam Lanceley – Triumph Through Adversity

When a band splits up due to ‘musical differences’, or they cancel a gig due to having a cold, it’s normal practice for fans to get upset or feel sorry for them. Spare a thought then for the people for whom music is far more than that: for people who have used music as a bridge to rebuild their lives and to survive the everyday trials many of us take as par for the course. Music for some people really can be one of the deciding factors in how their life is fundamentally affected.

Adam Lanceley was only ten years old when a car accident left him seriously injured. Sustaining a severe brain injury, a crushed pelvis and shattered legs, doctors advised him he was unlikely to walk or talk again. Against all odds, Adam not only proved them wrong but has taken his remarkable recovery to the extreme, running marathons and now carving out a career as a singer-songwriter.

Watch the Video To “A Film We All Saw” here:

Adam’s latest success story is the video to his track, “A Film we all Saw”. Far from a reflection of the doctor’s predictions, the video sees him walking around the picturesque city of Cambridge, with scarcely the slightest suggestion that without his self-belief and extraordinary determination, his life could have been so different. Having released several albums under his own name, he has perfectly his signature sound, which has a sunny West Coast vibe and personal, heartfelt lyrics.

See more about Adam’s Story here:

Although Adam has conquered many of the physical consequences of the accident, he has said that mentally he sometimes feels like a little boy, struggling with mental issues such as very low confidence and depression. However, the work done by the Brain and Spine Foundation helped to motivate him to strive for new goals, his new video being a case in point. With so much talk in the media about mental health, Adam’s music video is an inspiration to anyone feeling they’re fighting the battle alone. Adam has already released several albums slowly developing his sound into the unique brand it is today.





Julia Mascetti – The Rising Sun of Singer Songwriters.

Singer-songwriter. I’ll be honest, it’s not my favourite term. It immediately brings to mind a white man set on an uncomfortable chair with a brown guitar signing in a high voice. And yet, the great titans of the story-telling field – Tom Waits; Leonard Cohen; Bob Dylan; Nick Cave et all, are anything but beige. They are, however, white blokes. An alternative would be nice.

As you asked nicely, here’s an alternative who genuinely is exciting and worthy of your time. Julia Mascetti is a harpist. Are harps the new weapon of the musical bard and bardess? They’re an impressive beast for sure, always appearing as if the player is attempting to tame it like Hercules grappling with the Nemean lion. Julia even has a collection of harps, depending on the theatre of tuneful war on which she is operating. Small purple harp? Perfect for appearing on  stage with metal bands. No, really.

In Bloom, the lead track from a forthcoming EP, is the product not only of Julia’s imagination but also her environment. Having moved from the UK to Tokyo, she has become a fervent blogger and object of quite some attention in her newly adopted home. Her Japanese audiences have taken her particularly sweet (and disarming) English vocals and her golden spider webs of plucked strings very much to their hearts, language not proving to be a barrier in her dark fairytales. Indeed, for the listening public in the UK, it’s the strangeness of the Japanese culture and use of local instrumentation, not to mention the aching longing of distance and loneliness,  which subtly creeps into your brain and takes up residence. Sparce, yet densely packed, Julia’s music is a Godsend, a ray of light which takes an age-old musical form and adds utterly unique components and takes them to genuinely new places. You can keep your singer songwriters: we’re keeping this one.








Barcelona Beatle’s: Pablo And The Appleheads Are Set To Dominate


At first sight Pablo Villavacchia may seem like model, a David Bowie type character, sporting vintage coats, set in a classic surrounding with books, statues and ornaments to provide as a backdrop, but if you heard his songs, you’d know, that’s exactly who he is.

Pablo and the appleheads, a culmination of musicians from Spain. With the inclusion of front man Pablo, this band of rock and roller’s include Pere Foved (Drums), Jordi Franco(Bass),  Joan Vinyals (Guitar & Backing vocals), Jordi Bastida (Guitar) and Manu Guix (Piano and keyboards). Being referred regularly to the Beatles, as well other acts including David Bowie, Oasis and Radiohead.

Their previous album ‘Stars and Dots’, was their first release, and ever since then they have spent time working on their craft, playing live and writing brand new original songs. Thus making way for new track Zaida‘, a new single for the guys in Pablo and the Appleheads. 

Pablo has stated that this is a song was written due to our front man finding love with his now girlfriend ‘Alessandra Marta Grosso’, as well as this ‘Allessandra happens to be the name of the new album. 

The Music Video for ‘Zaida’ is now on YouTube:

Pablo and the Appleheads Facebook:

Pablo and the Appleheads  Twitter:

Pablo and the Appleheads YouTube:

Pablo and the Appleheads  Website:



Pallab Sarker-From Ministerial advisor to Music writer

Pallab Sarker, born in Bangladesh, and raised in Peterborough, has kept true to his heritage and has had music as part of his life at an early age. Pallab has now pushed his new solo-acoustic career to new heights, with new single ‘Not Gonna Fall in Love with You’, as well as brand new album ‘Grey Day’.

Not Gonna Fall in Love with You-music Video:

However, this was not always set in sight for the singer-songwriter. Pallab was the former Ministerial press advisor, communicating and assisting to the Ministers as well as VIP’S, which meant a very special experience with his holiness Pope Francis. In this interaction, Pope Francis personally blessed Pallab with rosemary beads as a gift to his Italian in-laws, and moment he will “Never forget”.

To understand where his sweet, melodic yet pulsating music style came from, you must first know what has led up to the launch of his solo exploration.

His parents decided to immigrate to England after escaping the Bangladeshi war for independence in the 70’s, where they moved to Peterborough. It was there were this future song-bird would grow up and get involved in music. However bigger sights and sounds were calling, so off to London he went. Pallab decided to relocate to London in his early twenties. It was here that he had been thrown into the whirlwind of the Brit Pop scene, which he then formed a band called, ‘ICON’, who gigged constantly and were strong contributors to the lively scene.

Now living in Walthamstow, Pallab has gained knowledge and experience from around the world, but uses the vibrant and culturally diverse art scene of South London as main inspiration for his music. You can see it clearly as the main focal point for his most recent single ‘Morning in Brixton’, and now has a new single out called ‘Not Gonna Fall in Love with You’.

Pallab Sarker Soundcloud:

‘The Station’-Pallab Sarker:

Pallab Sarker Facebook:

Pallab Sarker Twitter:

Pallab Sarker Spotify:

Pallab Sarker YouTube:

Pallab Sarker Website: 

INTERVIEW: Mark L. Oakes

How did you get your initial start in music?

I’ve always been passionate about arts and music. I started playing drums at the age of 18 and quickly felt the need to turn my own words/poems/lyrics into melodies. I then fell in love with guitar playing and vintage instruments.

What would be your ultimate aim in the industry?

Being “recognized” as an authentic artist making a living out of his passion. Having the chance to release my forthcoming records with the help of my favourite engineers and producers. Why not, getting a record deal?

How long have you been writing your own music?

I’ve been writing my own songs for more than 25 years now.

Who are your top three influences and why?

Tom Petty: all time favourite voice, unique charisma, his incredible talent to combine 5-star songwriting and hit records making.

Townes Van Zandt: all time greatest songwriter (with close friend and mentor Tucker Zimmerman).

Neil Young: his songwriting and guitar playing… Maybe the biggest influence when I think of putting down a new track…

Is there anything you would like people to know about your current release?

The core of “Call Me the Moon” has been recorded on two tracks, in my bedroom turned into a small home studio, using a two-channel pre, a two-channel converter, a bunch of vintage mics and a couple of plug-in’s for the mixing process.

The challenge was to try to make a “real” record with a very tight budget, keeping the very first takes as final tracks.

The album is an ode to friendship, soulmates, karmic journeys, hope, faith, fate, rebirth…

Where are you based and what’s your local scene like? Any favourite venues?

Los Angeles & Belgium (Liège). Sometimes NYC.

No folk-rock local scene in Belgium.

I don’t really know LA & NY local scenes.

Favourite venues in LA: Largo, The Troubadour, The Saint Rocke, The Viper Room etc.

Favourite venues in NY: The Bowery Electric etc.

Give our readers a round up of where they can find you online and hear more of your music.

My music in available on all the digital platforms: iTunes, Bandcamp, Amazon, Spotify etc.

I’ve got an official website featuring all the links and info:

Get To Know – Karmilla

  1. How did you get your initial start in music?

I had some guitar lessons when I was 11 and learnt a few of my favourite songs and was hooked from that point onwards!


  1. What would be your ultimate aim in the industry?

Playing your own music is cool. To play live in as many places possible in front of anyone possible is great. If I can manage that in countries across the world that could be cool.


  1. How long have you been writing your own music?

When I was s kid I wrote songs, they were terrible!!! but they helped me express whatever it was I was thinking about at the time, which was cool. After co-writing  in bands through collage and stuff I began to seriously write my own tunes. Some of them even made it on the album, I’m always writing.


  1. Who are your top three influences and why?

This is hard!! When I really started to find my singing voice I listened to a lot of Paul Rodgers. Also Janus Joplin, she was an incredible woman as well as having an awesome voice. As far as song writers go I have listened to a lot of Bruce Springsteen over the last few years. He’s a man who can tell a story or two! And the music is so well crafted and ‘full’ it’s great.


  1. Is there anything you would like people to know about your current release?

‘Leave Me To Me’ is the first  single off the debut album ‘Early Workings Of An Open Mind’

  1. Where are you based and what’s your local scene like? Any favourite venues?

Karmilla is based in Reading UK. There is a cool music scene there, and with the Festival taking over once a year, the town gets really busy. There are a few cool ‘music’ venues. All the pubs play live music too which is cool.


  1. Who else can you recommend from your local scene for people to have a listen to?

‘Third Lung’ are a rock band who can pack a punch! Defiantly a credible band to look out for.


  1. Give our readers a round up of where they can find you online and hear more of your music.

Everything you need is on the website